The foundation of Sardana Art Centre was laid in late 1970s to rejuvenate the application of ‘ART’ in Exhibitions and Corporate Events, redefining production-values to a new high. Leveraging over 40+ years of unmatched experience, Sardana Art Centre is a one-stop turnkey Trade-Show solutions provider to clients who come from government-ministries, multinational-corporates, advertising agencies, event management agencies, NGOs, and sport federations. From visualization to design, and from execution to management, we understand and deliver absolute business opportunity on every square meter of floor-space paid by our clients. We strive for not only innovations in ‘design’, but also effective customer experience, everytime we take it to the floor.
As a full-service Exhibition-producer we never consider independent exhibit-booths as less as 9 to large pavilions measuring over 10,000, any client or project as small or big. With experience of producing over 8,000 Exhibit-Booths in over 25 countries, we truly believe in delivering an engaging-design and unmatched production-standards to both B2B and B2C Exhibitions, globally. We understand quality, and most importantly your budgets.
Our superior work performance and strategic in-house capabilities helped us to organically diversify our competencies and operations for permanent in-store displays and corporate events with super-structures, when our clients started asking us to recreate the similar experience in other business formats. We are proud to acknowledge their support to help us deliver over 1000 Corporate Events and over 200 Retail Stores across Indian Sub-Continent in last two decades.
If you are looking for an ‘Exhibition Producer’, who can help you translate your dream to reality, give us a chance to provide your company achieve the business goals set for your next Event, and we promise to deliver…